One of the best parts of managing this conference and exhibition is networking. It's a gas! I've met some of the coolest women I would ever hope to shake hands or twitter with. Ever since Michigan state representative Lisa Brown's Vagina Clamp Down in Michigan, Twitterland has been buzzing like an angry beehive. The swiftness and velocity of changes were fascinating to watch and be part of.
Initially, we were tagging with #warOnWomen and swiftly moved to just doing it, typing #vagina over and over again. We soon realized you had to add #Michigan, or your tweet went into a cesspool of nasty porn labels. What was insightful about this was I could see how porn surfers use the simple word, vagina to pull up dirty pictures. Ah ha! Caught ya, ya porn-surfing House of Representatives GOP yahoos!
Within 24 hours we moved away from simply typing #vagina to typing #sayVagina, because that's what it's all about, isn't it? We lost connection to the porn folks and kept the beat pounding. Better, it next moved off the electronic steps and onto the Michigan Capital steps, with a brilliant performance of The Vagina Monologues by Lisa Brown.
Most recently, we have new hash tags: #BITCHforks for the #TeamUterati. Another tick of the clock, and we have artists making bitch forks and dog tags stamped Uterati, along with a strong declaration, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS…ANTI-WOMAN LEGISLATION! AND THEY SHALL KNOW US BY OUR BITCHFORKS - TeamUterati". @AngryBlackWoman put a Tweet out for a PhotoShop version of the art, and I took her up on it.
Initially, we were tagging with #warOnWomen and swiftly moved to just doing it, typing #vagina over and over again. We soon realized you had to add #Michigan, or your tweet went into a cesspool of nasty porn labels. What was insightful about this was I could see how porn surfers use the simple word, vagina to pull up dirty pictures. Ah ha! Caught ya, ya porn-surfing House of Representatives GOP yahoos!
Within 24 hours we moved away from simply typing #vagina to typing #sayVagina, because that's what it's all about, isn't it? We lost connection to the porn folks and kept the beat pounding. Better, it next moved off the electronic steps and onto the Michigan Capital steps, with a brilliant performance of The Vagina Monologues by Lisa Brown.
Most recently, we have new hash tags: #BITCHforks for the #TeamUterati. Another tick of the clock, and we have artists making bitch forks and dog tags stamped Uterati, along with a strong declaration, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS…ANTI-WOMAN LEGISLATION! AND THEY SHALL KNOW US BY OUR BITCHFORKS - TeamUterati". @AngryBlackWoman put a Tweet out for a PhotoShop version of the art, and I took her up on it.
I hope AngryBlackLady comes to our conference, for I've enjoyed her Tweets the best out of all of the Anti-WarOnWomen tweople.